Technical Writings

I have a soft spot in my heart for technical writing, partly because I edited a local computer magazine for a few years here in Portland. Below are some articles or resources I've written.

Address rewriting with sendmail genericstable
How to make locally generated mail appear to come from an e-mail address in a foreign domain.

January 25, 2006Read more…

Alpine on Mac OS X
Notes on building and running alpine under Mac OS X.

September 22, 2020Read more…

An Open Letter to Microsoft
Microsoft-borne worms and viruses are a boon to IT workers!

September 28, 2004Read more…

BIND for the Small LAN
How to configure BIND 9 to act as a caching nameserver or as the nameserver for a local domain.

May 24, 2007Read more…

BPM Delay Settings
Delay times for various beats-per-minute values.

December 26, 2022Read more…

Building Sendmail Mailing Lists in LDAP
If you already keep e-mail addresses in an LDAP database, it’s possible to tweak things a bit so that sendmail can lookup mailing list addresses in it.

June 04, 2004Read more…

How to use dig to query DNS name servers.

May 11, 2006Read more…

Exim as an SSL/TLS client
How to configure exim version 4 to provide a client certificate when transfering mail over an SSL/TLS connection.

May 04, 2005Read more…

Extracting Google Queries from Apache Logs
How to extract from your Apache logs the Google queries that lead people to your web site.

February 21, 2019Read more…

Failover with ISC DHCP
How to set up the ISC DHCP daemon with load sharing and failover capabilities.

April 11, 2008Read more…

GPG Quick Start
A quick HOWTO for getting started with GnuPG.

October 07, 2016Read more…

Notes on UTF-8 and locales
Notes on using UTF-8 and locales on Linux systems.

March 23, 2005Read more…

OpenSSL Command-Line HOWTO
The openssl application that ships with the OpenSSL libraries can perform a wide range of crypto operations. This HOWTO provides some cookbook-style recipes for using it.

May 03, 2024Read more…

This little how-to is about getting pine (or alpine) and, to a lesser extent, fetchmail to work cleanly with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates. There’s some OpenSSL trivia explored along the way, too.

November 06, 2006Read more…

How to use RCS, the Revision Control System.

March 16, 2005Read more…

RPM .spec Files
For work and pleasure, I sometimes build binary rpm packages. Here’s a little intro to rpm building

August 12, 2005Read more…

Sendmail SMTP AUTH Quick Start
How to enable SMTP AUTH on a Linux system running sendmail.

January 26, 2010Read more…

Setting Up Trac on CentOS
How to install and configure Trac on CentOS 4.

October 03, 2006Read more…

Sort IP Addresses with GNU sort
How to sort IP addresses using the GNU sort utility.

March 04, 2016Read more…