Paul's Blog

The articles below are on various topics, though the majority are focused on some aspect of systems administration.

Limiting needrestart in Ubuntu 24.04

We were in for a surprise when we upgraded our backup server from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS: our backups started failing over the weekends. Here’s the story…

March 24, 2025Read more…


On June 26, 2024, under the title “The Center Must Hold,” Yair Zivan gave voice to the centrism that over the past couple decades I have increasingly come to call my political stance. As I read it, I realized I’d been seeking this sort of clear exposition for quite a while.

June 26, 2024Read more…

Upgrade OS on Ceph Server

At work, our ceph cluster is managed by the cephadm utility, which means that all ceph operations are launched within containers managed by podman. Our original batch of storage servers was running CentOS 7, which as of late 2023 is only a few months from reaching its official end-of-life date. The hardware is still good, so I just wanted to update operating systems while keeping ceph data volumes intact. I could find no official documentation for upgrading the OS out from under cephadm, so I forged my own way.

December 21, 2023Read more…

Ceph Hostname Sensitivity

We recently expanded our Ceph cluster at work with six new RHEL 8 storage servers. All the Ceph services run in containers managed by cephadm. I ran into an interesting problem the first time I had to patch and reboot those servers after we had integrated them into the cluster.

December 18, 2023Read more…

Static Addresses in OpenStack Networking

When you launch a virtual machine on an OpenStack-managed network, the VM generally receives a random address in the active subnet. A researcher at work, however, needed a system for launching instances that have static addresses so he could preconfigure the local /etc/hosts file with all his machines.

May 17, 2023Read more…

Viewing Remote SSL Certificate Info

One of our duties at work is monitoring and renewing SSL certificates for customer services. Now that certificate issuers regularly expire certificates after only one year, renewals are a regular occurance. Plus, we like to verify what protocols and alternative hostnames are supported by a specific service. This script helps.

February 03, 2023Read more…

My Wordle Strategy

I can’t say that I’m exactly addicted to Wordle, but I really like the game and try to play it most days. Since I regularly clean out my browser cache, I don’t have any statistical history to show for it, but I seem to guess most words on my fourth try, with fifth, third, and sixth tries next most common. Like any self-respecting geek, I have a strategy.

January 24, 2022Read more…

Get Started with Ansible Foreman Modules

There has, evidently, been some shakeup in how to use Ansible to manage a Red Hat Satellite server.

May 29, 2024Read more…

SSH Remote Network Access

In a 2020 technical meeting, someone asked about some SSH ProxyJump documentation I’d posted. I promised to follow up with a full configuration for using ProxyJump with a remote network, so here goes nothing.

December 24, 2024Read more…

Many Hands Become Invisible

I don’t have a strong economic ideology, though I’d say that my bias is to try first a market-based approach to most economic issues, turning to public-sector solutions only when the private sector is sorely wanting.

September 29, 2020Read more…

FreeBSD IPv6 on CenturyLink
I put real work into using IPv6 in FreeBSD on a CenturyLink connection.

December 13, 2024Read more…

Facts, Evidence, and Fake News

People scream “Fake news!” today with annoying consistency. Originally an attempt to identify published stories that ignored or wildly stretched the truth, the phrase has become a cynical way to dismiss stories we dislike.

January 16, 2020Read more…

Mixing CentOS/RHEL8 Crypto Policies

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 and its open-source derivative CentOS 8 include a facility for setting system-wide cryptographic policies.

November 14, 2019Read more…

Creating AWS S3 Bucket for Backup

I needed to create for a client several AWS S3 buckets that would be used for system backups.

February 06, 2019Read more…

bash variables and rsync excludes

bash and rsync don’t necessarily work and play well together when rsync’s --exclude option is set as a variable.

July 17, 2018Read more…