Paul Heinlein

I’m a systems administrator for Oregon Heath & Science University, a medical school and research institution, working in the Advanced Computing Center in support of OHSU’s research mission. My job history is outlined below, or you can consult my résumé. I live with my wife and children in Oregon, in the greater Portland metropolitan area. Once you get past the drizzle and darkness of our winters, it’s easy to be entranced by the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest.
If you’d like to contact me, e-mail is the way to go: For the security-minded, my GPG public key (8F54CA35) is available directly from my site or on public keyservers like the one at MIT.
A brief curriculum vitae
2015-present: Research Systems Engineer, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR.
2005-2015: Systems Administrator, Galois, Inc., Portland, OR.
2002-2005: Research Systems Engineer, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR.
2000-2002: Systems Analyst, MeasureCast, Inc., Portland, OR.
1999-2000: Research Systems Engineer, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology, Beaverton, OR.
1995-1999: Editor, Computer Bits magazine, Forest Grove, OR.
1993-1995: Associate Pastor, Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Northglenn, CO.
1990-1993: Pastor, Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Commerce City, CO.
Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis, MO. Master of Divinity. 1990.
University of California, Irvine, CA. Master of Arts, History. 1986.
Concordia College, Saint Paul, MN. Bachelor of Arts, History/Biblical Languages. 1984.
Stuff that engages me
My family
Free software in general, and Linux in particular
Exercising, especially biking and indoor rowing
Places I’ve lived
San Diego, CA: 1962-1963. No, I don’t remember too much of that stay.
Huntington Beach, CA: 1963-1964. Nor this one.
Garden Grove, CA: 1964-1980. Ah, childhood…
Saint Paul, MN: 1980-1984. Undergrad days at Concordia.
Laguna Hills, CA: 1984-1986. Graduate school at UCI.
Saint Louis, MO: 1986-1988. My first two years at Concordia Seminary.
Billings, MT: 1988-1989. Seminary internship at Trinity Lutheran Church.
Saint Louis, MO: 1989-1990. Final year at the sem.
Denver, CO: 1990-1995. Real work! Service at Our Saviour and Gethsemane.
Portland, OR: 1995-present. Editing and IT.